Libraries we have written

Which repositories?

Some of our repositories are used as libraries and included as a requirement in other repositories. eg

For these libraries, we want to version them to make it easier to do this.

Some of our Libraries are:

Git, tags and branches

Versions are created as tags in GitHub, with the format "vX.Y.Z". Semantic Versioning should be followed.

Work is merged to the "master" branch, and versions are tagged directly on the master branch.

This means that when a later version is released, no bug fixes to earlier versions will be released any more. (eg "v1.3.6" is followed by "v1.4.0" - this means there will never be a version "v1.3.7".)

Publishing a new version

We do not publish a new version every time some code is merged to master. Instead, we only publish when we need the changes to be released.

Whether a new version is a patch release, a minor release or a major release should be decided by following Semantic Versioning.

Read our how to guide on this


All repositories that are versioned using the scheme described on this page should keep a changelog. A file called should be in the root of the repository.

Definitions of sections, terms and format can be found at; read this before adding to a changelog (it's short, don't worry!)

To start a new repository that has no releases, the initial changelog should be:

# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [Unreleased]

Regular Maintenance

You may want to use the check-manifest tool to double check the file.


We work on OCP repositories that are also versioned and released as libraries. See their docs for more.

Last updated